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Building A Student Feedback Plan

Let's talk about building a student feedback plan. What do I mean by a student feedback plan? Let me break down my thought process. I think we can all agree that giving student’s feedback is essential and is one of the most critical aspects of effective teaching and learning...But what does this feedback look like... Continue Reading →

Effective Teaching Strategies Using Record To Slides

Effective Teaching Strategies Effective teaching strategies are the backbone of great lesson creation. Teachers continually search for effective and efficient ways to engage their students. I have witnessed teachers that are using effective teaching strategies, but the workflow of incorporating them from start to finish is a daunting task. Being an instructional technology coach, I... Continue Reading →

Elements of Blended Learning

Why Blended Learning? Teachers are trying to navigate through this crazy educational world with students that are in a multitude of places at the same time. Teachers are feeling stressed and overworked trying to provide quality instruction to face-2-face, hybrid, and remote learners. They are looking for a one-size fits all approach that will make... Continue Reading →

Farewell Class of 2020

Sunday morning, May 24th 2020. I am sitting by myself at my kitchen table thinking about the Class of 2020 and the future of education. Today, my youngest son Aiden will graduate from high school. I am feeling uneasy. Memories are flooding my thoughts of my children and their school experiences. My kids were spread... Continue Reading →

Turn Your PLC into a PLN

If you are not part of a Professional Learning Network (PLN) outside of your building, you should consider it. Many schools have instituted a system of Professional Learning Communities (PLC's) inside their school walls. If managed properly, the PLC concept can foster a culture of collaboration, but can also have its drawbacks. You may be... Continue Reading →

Spaced Practice Using Google Forms Quizzes

Teachers use a wide variety of instructional practices to help students retain information. Most commonly, teachers will begin a lesson or unit, assign activities/homework to reinforce important concepts, and then give a summative assessment at the end to test student mastery. Unfortunately, what occurs often is that students employ a study strategy for tests called... Continue Reading →

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